1 of 10 questions
Are you avoiding going to your home?
1. He/She makes me feel unsafe even in my own home.

Helpful Resources

Name Resource
Línea De Orientación Confidencial De La Oficina De La Procuradora De Mujeres (787) 722-2977
Proyecto MATRIA (787) 489-0022
Línea PAS +1 (800) 981-0023
Centro Ayuda Victimas de Violacion (787) 765-2285
Other Helplines findahelpline.com


Category Advice
Health Great to know you are safe!
If you took this survey you must have your doubts. Even though you are safe you should speak to your partner about your concerns in confidence and respect.


Category Advice
Health You are in a hostile relationship!
You are in a hostile relationship! Please try to move away from your partner in a safe way since it can trigger a verbal/physical attack.
Your safety is our priority. Please try to move away from your partner in a safe way since it can trigger a verbal/physical attack.